Pro-Demo is your trusted partner for commercial demolition projects in Toronto and GTA. With a proven track record of excellence, we offer efficient, safe, and cost-effective solutions for a wide range of demolition needs.
Whether you require our expertise to tear down office buildings, retail stores, or other commercial spaces, we can handle everything up to the demolition cleanup.
To properly assess on-site conditions and anticipate unexpected challenges, Pro-Demo collaborates closely with architects, general contractors, engineers, property owners, and property management corporations. This allows for clear communication and minimal disruption throughout the demolition project.
Our team knows that the next step in your construction project relies heavily on the quality of our job, which is why we strive to complete the demolition work with efficiency and precision. We prioritize safety, environmental responsibility, and client satisfaction throughout the entire demolition process.
Factors include:
On average, commercial demolition in Canada costs around $10 per square metre. Generally speaking, the cost per square meter will decrease as the size of a project increases. There are several factors, aside from the actual cost of the demolition procedures, that affect the price.
These include permit fees, project size, building materials, and the cost of demolition cleanup and disposal. The last factor is also affected by whether or not there are any hazardous waste materials that need to be disposed of.
We are a hard-working, client-oriented team and have served Toronto and the surrounding area for over 10 years. Our goal is to continue building our reputation and our networks to provide quality demolition contractor work and general commercial demolition contractor services for specialized applications.
With extensive safety training, full insurance coverage, and a commitment to reliability, our team ensures projects stay on budget.